Inkscape arrow on sphere
Inkscape arrow on sphere

inkscape arrow on sphere inkscape arrow on sphere

Once you’ve installed these programs open up Blender and you’ll see the cube on screen. If not, just grab a beta build as it’s pretty stable. I’ll be using a beta build of 0.47, which should be officially coming out within the next two weeks. Lastly, install Inkscape, if you don’t have it already. I’ve discussed the usefulness of this plugin before. This is a free Blender plugin that allows you to export your Blender objects as an SVG (the file format that Inkscape uses by default). Did I mention that it’s completely free? Next, install the VRM plugin for Blender.

inkscape arrow on sphere

It’s available for Mac, Windows, Linux and probably any other system you can think of. We’re going to need three things before we begin. As with any program, the more you use it, the better you get at it. If not, go look at these tutorials for Inkscape and these tutorials for Blender. This tutorial assumes that you know at least something about Blender and Inkscape. Looking back at that ball that I made it kinda resembles a disco ball, so I decided to write a tutorial on how I did it. Recently one Inkscape user created a tutorial describing how to make a disco ball directly in Inkscape. One of my creations from this was a ball. Awhile back I started doing a few experiments using Blender and Inkscape together.

Inkscape arrow on sphere